Wall clock time and date at job start Mon Mar 30 2020 02:28:11 AMSOL-version 7.1 by G. D. Hawkins, D. J. Giesen, G. C. Lynch, C. C. Chambers, I. Rossi, J. W. Storer, J. Li, J. D. Thompson, P. Winget, B. J. Lynch, D. Rinaldi, D. A. Liotard, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar Copyright 2004 by Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. Notice: recipients of this code are asked to comply with the user agreement in Section 1 of the documentation file. ******************************************************************************* * 1SCF - SCF CALCULATION WITHOUT GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION * - USE EF ROUTINE FOR MINIMUM SEARCH (DEFAULT) * GEO-OK - OVERRIDE INTERATOMIC DISTANCE CHECK * TLIMIT= - A TIME OF 15. SECONDS REQUESTED * CHARGE - CHARGE ON SYSTEM= -1 * AM1 - THE AM1 HAMILTONIAN TO BE USED * DEV - DEVELOPER OPTIONS ARE ALLOWED * SM5.42R - SM5.42R CALCULATIONS WILL BE PERFORMED * - CHARGE MODEL 2 WILL BE USED (CM2A) * - THE SOLVENT IS USER-SPECIFIED * DIELEC - THE SOLVENT DIELECTRIC CONSTANT IS 2.06 * IOFR - THE SOLVENT INDEX OF REFRACTION IS 1.4345 * ALPHA - THE SOLVENT ALPHA IS 0.00 * BETA - THE SOLVENT BETA IS 0.00 * GAMMA - THE SOLVENT MACROSCOPIC SURFACE TENSION IS * 38.93 CAL MOL^-1 ANGSTROM^-2 * FACARB - THE FRACTION OF AROMATIC CARBONS IS 0.00 * FEHALO - THE FRACTION OF ELECTRONEGATIVE HALOGENS IS 0.00 ******************************************************************************* Atom NO. Chemical Bond length Bond angle Dihedral angle number (k) symbol (angstroms) (degrees) (degrees) (I) NA:I NB:NA:I NC:NB:NA:I NA NB NC 1 1 C 2 2 C 1.53005 * 1 3 3 H 1.08998 * 109.46975 * 2 1 4 4 N 1.46509 * 109.46901 * 240.00363 * 2 1 3 5 5 C 1.34766 * 119.99919 * 85.93046 * 4 2 1 6 6 O 1.21692 * 120.00609 * 0.02562 * 5 4 2 7 7 C 1.46382 * 119.99736 * 179.97438 * 5 4 2 8 8 H 1.07992 * 120.00217 * 359.97438 * 7 5 4 9 9 C 1.40051 * 119.99822 * 180.02562 * 7 5 4 10 10 N 1.30671 * 120.00223 * 359.97438 * 9 7 5 11 11 Si 1.86802 * 119.99999 * 180.02562 * 9 7 5 12 12 H 1.48499 * 109.46972 * 89.99884 * 11 9 7 13 13 H 1.48499 * 109.47252 * 210.00188 * 11 9 7 14 14 H 1.48498 * 109.46930 * 329.99825 * 11 9 7 15 15 C 1.52992 * 109.46872 * 120.00718 * 2 1 3 16 16 C 1.52998 * 115.55797 * 56.51777 * 15 2 1 17 17 C 1.53007 * 117.51472 * 202.22298 * 15 2 1 18 18 C 1.52997 * 60.00250 * 107.47474 * 17 15 2 19 19 H 1.08998 * 109.47240 * 299.99986 * 1 2 3 20 20 H 1.09001 * 109.46823 * 60.00014 * 1 2 3 21 21 H 1.09001 * 109.47066 * 179.97438 * 1 2 3 22 22 H 0.97000 * 119.99414 * 265.93312 * 4 2 1 23 23 H 0.96996 * 120.00180 * 180.02562 * 10 9 7 24 24 H 1.09001 * 109.46760 * 269.27121 * 16 15 2 25 25 H 1.08997 * 109.47594 * 149.27180 * 16 15 2 26 26 H 1.08996 * 109.46593 * 29.26804 * 16 15 2 27 27 H 1.09000 * 117.49485 * 214.96628 * 17 15 2 28 28 H 1.09002 * 117.49722 * 359.97438 * 17 15 2 29 29 H 1.08995 * 117.50194 * 252.50555 * 18 17 15 30 30 H 1.08999 * 117.49783 * 107.48840 * 18 17 15 Note: An asterisk (*) indicates this parameter was or will be optimized. Cartesian coordinates (angstroms) NO. Atom X Y Z 1 6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2 6 1.5301 0.0000 0.0000 3 1 1.8933 1.0276 0.0000 4 7 2.0184 -0.6906 -1.1963 5 6 2.1648 -0.0138 -2.3524 6 8 1.8920 1.1711 -2.4027 7 6 2.6533 -0.7036 -3.5475 8 1 2.8966 -1.7548 -3.5027 9 6 2.8060 -0.0002 -4.7489 10 7 2.5121 1.2719 -4.8031 11 14 3.4286 -0.8807 -6.2742 12 1 2.2769 -1.4322 -7.0321 13 1 4.1714 0.0783 -7.1308 14 1 4.3326 -1.9881 -5.8721 15 6 2.0400 -0.7214 1.2491 16 6 1.5420 -2.1565 1.4321 17 6 3.4599 -0.4008 1.7203 18 6 2.2565 0.1175 2.5103 19 1 -0.3633 0.5138 0.8900 20 1 -0.3633 0.5138 -0.8900 21 1 -0.3633 -1.0277 -0.0005 22 1 2.2362 -1.6350 -1.1561 23 1 2.6175 1.7590 -5.6352 24 1 0.6226 -2.1501 2.0175 25 1 2.3005 -2.7406 1.9531 26 1 1.3482 -2.6009 0.4559 27 1 4.0393 -1.2124 2.1606 28 1 4.0312 0.3238 1.1401 29 1 2.0361 1.1832 2.4500 30 1 2.0442 -0.3531 3.4703 RHF calculation, no. of doubly occupied orbitals= 37 REFERENCES FOR PARAMETERS IN GAS-PHASE HAMILTONIAN: H: (AM1): M.J.S. DEWAR ET AL, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 107 3902-3909 (1985) C: (AM1): M.J.S. DEWAR ET AL, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 107 3902-3909 (1985) N: (AM1): M.J.S. DEWAR ET AL, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 107 3902-3909 (1985) O: (AM1): M.J.S. DEWAR ET AL, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 107 3902-3909 (1985) Si: (AM1): M.J.S.DEWAR, C. JIE, ORGANOMETALLICS, 6, 1486-1490 (1987). REFERENCE FOR CHARGE MODEL 2: J. Li, J. Xing, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, J. Chem. Phys. 111 (1999) 885. REFERENCE FOR THE PARAMETERIZATION OF THE SM5.42R SOLVATION MODEL: J. Li, T. Zhu, G. D. Hawkins, P. Winget, D. A. Liotard, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Theor. Chem. Acc. 103 (1999) 9-63 P. Winget, J. D. Thompson C. J. Cramer,and D. G. Truhlar, J. Phys. Chem. B. submitted. CHARGE=-1 AM1 1SCF TLIMIT=15 GEO-OK SM5.42R & SOLVNT=GENORG IOFR=1.4345 ALPHA=0.00 BETA=0.00 GAMMA=38.93 & DIELEC=2.06 FACARB=0.00 FEHALO=0.00 DEV ZINC000706303710.mol2 30 1SCF WAS SPECIFIED, SO GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION WAS NOT USED SCF FIELD WAS ACHIEVED Wall clock time and date at job start Mon Mar 30 2020 02:28:11 Heat of formation + Delta-G solvation = -29.752185 kcal Electronic energy + Delta-G solvation = -12666.872489 eV Core-core repulsion = 10462.399847 eV Total energy + Delta-G solvation = -2204.472642 eV No. of doubly occupied orbitals = 37 Molecular weight (most abundant/longest-lived isotopes) = 197.116 amu Computer time = 0.16 seconds Orbital eigenvalues (eV) -38.68191 -36.58151 -33.13395 -32.18321 -29.41590 -28.06739 -26.05096 -23.03659 -22.07588 -19.72590 -18.45040 -17.07419 -15.37980 -15.32770 -14.39182 -13.97985 -13.59701 -13.10127 -12.76368 -12.32145 -12.22424 -11.82941 -11.52286 -11.36994 -11.16689 -10.98074 -10.91944 -10.42948 -10.20953 -10.11831 -9.86380 -9.42348 -8.81440 -7.54456 -7.40770 -6.13806 -4.59029 3.16375 3.23030 3.26506 3.96259 4.16453 4.63930 4.87180 5.01880 5.12222 5.33645 5.37435 5.77635 5.84906 5.88927 5.99070 6.04812 6.15154 6.22743 6.29474 6.34942 6.40678 6.49626 6.76550 6.97378 7.47602 8.01266 8.20697 8.40365 9.07182 9.62847 10.65563 10.85288 Molecular weight = 197.12amu Principal moments of inertia in cm(-1) A = 0.056585 B = 0.008866 C = 0.008560 Principal moments of inertia in units of 10**(-40)*gram-cm**2 A = 494.712223 B = 3157.498605 C = 3270.365141 Net atomic charges, atomic populations, and dipole contributions calculated with CM2 Atom NO. Type Charge No. of electrons 1 C -0.154 4.154 2 C 0.189 3.811 3 H 0.073 0.927 4 N -0.758 5.758 5 C 0.556 3.444 6 O -0.582 6.582 7 C -0.546 4.546 8 H 0.066 0.934 9 C 0.087 3.913 10 N -0.769 5.769 11 Si 0.906 3.094 12 H -0.273 1.273 13 H -0.280 1.280 14 H -0.265 1.265 15 C -0.131 4.131 16 C -0.111 4.111 17 C -0.170 4.170 18 C -0.175 4.175 19 H 0.047 0.953 20 H 0.060 0.940 21 H 0.048 0.952 22 H 0.379 0.621 23 H 0.267 0.733 24 H 0.056 0.944 25 H 0.052 0.948 26 H 0.063 0.937 27 H 0.089 0.911 28 H 0.094 0.906 29 H 0.092 0.908 30 H 0.090 0.910 For the charges calculated by CM2: Dipole moment (debyes) X Y Z Total from point charges -0.421 -5.634 9.651 11.184 Note: The Mulliken population analysis charges presented below were not used in the solvation calculation but are provided for completeness. The chosen solvation model uses CM2 partial charges for calculating solvation energies. Net atomic charges, atomic populations, and dipole contributions using Mulliken population analysis Atom NO. Type Charge No. of electrons 1 C -0.213 4.213 2 C 0.082 3.918 3 H 0.091 0.909 4 N -0.413 5.413 5 C 0.360 3.640 6 O -0.465 6.465 7 C -0.583 4.583 8 H 0.084 0.916 9 C -0.132 4.132 10 N -0.398 5.398 11 Si 0.731 3.269 12 H -0.198 1.198 13 H -0.205 1.205 14 H -0.190 1.190 15 C -0.131 4.131 16 C -0.169 4.169 17 C -0.207 4.207 18 C -0.212 4.212 19 H 0.066 0.934 20 H 0.079 0.921 21 H 0.067 0.933 22 H 0.210 0.790 23 H 0.078 0.922 24 H 0.074 0.926 25 H 0.071 0.929 26 H 0.082 0.918 27 H 0.107 0.893 28 H 0.113 0.887 29 H 0.111 0.889 30 H 0.108 0.892 Dipole moment (debyes) X Y Z Total from point charges -0.632 -4.570 9.491 10.553 hybrid contribution 0.421 -0.887 -0.705 1.209 sum -0.211 -5.458 8.786 10.345 Atomic orbital electron populations 1.22129 0.96921 1.01005 1.01228 1.19945 0.92608 0.96091 0.83114 0.90853 1.46139 1.73159 1.12322 1.09640 1.18194 0.77667 0.86424 0.81710 1.90589 1.55278 1.16185 1.84479 1.20895 1.46959 0.96727 0.93716 0.91560 1.25702 0.93393 0.94456 0.99643 1.70023 1.35567 1.07930 1.26270 0.86401 0.79298 0.79794 0.81407 1.19796 1.20508 1.18961 1.21796 0.99259 0.96452 0.95632 1.21297 1.00291 0.93365 1.01904 1.23027 0.90851 1.03447 1.03367 1.22975 1.03377 0.99880 0.94983 0.93415 0.92103 0.93307 0.78979 0.92210 0.92551 0.92937 0.91766 0.89254 0.88742 0.88942 0.89200 Number of geometries 1 Number of calculations of the screened coulomb radii 1 The total number of SCF iterations 13. Note: The number of geometries may not correspond to the number of cycles due to rejected geometry changes. In the following table subtotal= G_P + SS G_CDS. Atom Chem. CM2 G_P Area Sigma k SS G_CDS Subtotal M number symbol chg. (kcal) (Ang**2) cal/(Ang**2) (kcal) (kcal) value 1 C -0.15 -2.83 9.27 37.16 0.34 -2.49 16 2 C 0.19 3.73 2.42 -67.93 -0.16 3.56 16 3 H 0.07 1.67 7.51 -51.93 -0.39 1.28 16 4 N -0.76 -17.26 4.99 -55.21 -0.28 -17.53 16 5 C 0.56 16.01 7.72 -12.99 -0.10 15.91 16 6 O -0.58 -19.03 14.67 5.20 0.08 -18.95 16 7 C -0.55 -15.65 9.54 -35.63 -0.34 -15.99 16 8 H 0.07 1.75 7.85 -52.49 -0.41 1.33 16 9 C 0.09 2.48 5.50 -17.37 -0.10 2.38 16 10 N -0.77 -23.38 11.83 55.55 0.66 -22.72 16 11 Si 0.91 20.42 29.56 -169.99 -5.02 15.40 16 12 H -0.27 -6.00 7.11 56.52 0.40 -5.60 16 13 H -0.28 -6.17 7.11 56.52 0.40 -5.77 16 14 H -0.27 -5.79 7.11 56.52 0.40 -5.38 16 15 C -0.13 -2.01 1.79 -154.51 -0.28 -2.29 16 16 C -0.11 -1.46 8.79 37.16 0.33 -1.13 16 17 C -0.17 -2.48 9.90 -26.73 -0.26 -2.75 16 18 C -0.17 -2.33 9.95 -26.73 -0.27 -2.60 16 19 H 0.05 0.75 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.33 16 20 H 0.06 1.30 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.88 16 21 H 0.05 0.82 7.45 -51.93 -0.39 0.43 16 22 H 0.38 7.74 7.50 -40.82 -0.31 7.43 16 23 H 0.27 7.37 8.29 -40.82 -0.34 7.03 16 24 H 0.06 0.67 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.25 16 25 H 0.05 0.61 7.87 -51.93 -0.41 0.20 16 26 H 0.06 0.88 6.95 -51.93 -0.36 0.52 16 27 H 0.09 1.14 8.03 -51.93 -0.42 0.72 16 28 H 0.09 1.54 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 1.12 16 29 H 0.09 1.25 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.83 16 30 H 0.09 1.02 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.60 16 LS Contribution 257.55 15.07 3.88 3.88 Total: -1.00 -33.24 257.55 -5.87 -39.12 By element: Atomic # 1 Polarization: 10.55 SS G_CDS: -4.35 Total: 6.20 kcal Atomic # 6 Polarization: -4.55 SS G_CDS: -0.84 Total: -5.39 kcal Atomic # 7 Polarization: -40.64 SS G_CDS: 0.38 Total: -40.25 kcal Atomic # 8 Polarization: -19.03 SS G_CDS: 0.08 Total: -18.95 kcal Atomic # 14 Polarization: 20.42 SS G_CDS: -5.02 Total: 15.40 kcal Total LS contribution 3.88 Total: 3.88 kcal Total: -33.24 -5.87 -39.12 kcal The number of atoms in the molecule is 30 The average number of expansion shells was 16.00 The maximum number of expansion shells was 16 The minimum number of expansion shells was 16 **** NOTA BENE **** This is the net solvation energy for this exact molecular structure (nuclear and electronic)! The standard-state solvation energy should be obtained as the difference between the heat of formation plus delta-G solvation for the relaxed solvated system and that for the relaxed gas-phase system. ZINC000706303710.mol2 30 1SCF run This is a breakdown of the solvation energy calculated without geometric relaxation in solution: (1) E-EN(sol) electronic-nuclear energy of solute 9.363 kcal (2) G-P(sol) polarization free energy of solvation -33.242 kcal (3) G-ENP(sol) elect.-nuc.-pol. free energy of system -23.878 kcal (4) G-CDS(sol) cavity-dispersion-solvent structure free energy -5.874 kcal (5) G-P-CDS(sol) = G-P(sol) + G-CDS(sol) = (2) + (4) -39.115 kcal (6) G-S(sol) free energy of system = (1) + (5) -29.752 kcal 1SCF WAS SPECIFIED, SO GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION WAS NOT USED Total computer time = 0.17 seconds