corina 4.2.0 0026 27.09.2018 elisfink 31. 03. 2020 12:05 Input file type SMILES Output file type SYBYL MOL2 INFORMATION corina(): Annual license expires on August 9, 2022 Options: Writing added hydrogen atoms Generating multiple ring conformations Generating a maximum of 1 ring conformations Inverting flippy ring nitrogen atoms Applying an energy window of 6.0 kJ/mol Setting RMS for similar conformations set to 0.30 A Canonicalizing molecules before 3D generation Max. atoms per fragment: 999 Standard values, version 3.4 January, 2006 Ring templates, version 3.0 March, 2001 Torsion angle library version December, 1999 (1088 patterns), all rights CCDC, Cambridge, UK International Chemical Identifier (InChI) Software version 1.05 (January 2017), copyright (C) IUPAC and InChI Trust Limited *** RECORD no.: 1 read *********************** Name ZINC001646694904 27 atoms ERROR ringfrag(): Can't combine the templates. Probably erroneous stereo descriptors. ERROR gen3d(): Unable to build a 3D structure. WARNING gen3d(): Re-ordering CT to build 3D structure (2). ERROR ringfrag(): Can't combine the templates. Probably erroneous stereo descriptors. ERROR gen3d(): Unable to build a 3D structure. WARNING gen3d(): Re-ordering CT to build 3D structure (3). ERROR ringfrag(): Can't combine the templates. Probably erroneous stereo descriptors. ERROR gen3d(): Unable to build a 3D structure. WARNING gen3d(): Re-ordering CT to build 3D structure (4). ERROR ringfrag(): Can't combine the templates. Probably erroneous stereo descriptors. ERROR gen3d(): Unable to build a 3D structure. WARNING gen3d(): Re-ordering CT to build 3D structure (5). ERROR ringfrag(): Can't combine the templates. Probably erroneous stereo descriptors. ERROR gen3d(): Unable to build a 3D structure. WARNING gen3d(): Re-ordering CT to build 3D structure (6). ERROR ringfrag(): Can't combine the templates. Probably erroneous stereo descriptors. ERROR gen3d(): Unable to build a 3D structure. WARNING gen3d(): Re-ordering CT to build 3D structure (7). ERROR ringfrag(): Can't combine the templates. Probably erroneous stereo descriptors. ERROR gen3d(): Unable to build a 3D structure. WARNING gen3d(): Re-ordering CT to build 3D structure (8). ERROR ringfrag(): Can't combine the templates. Probably erroneous stereo descriptors. ERROR gen3d(): Unable to build a 3D structure. WARNING gen3d(): Re-ordering CT to build 3D structure (9). ERROR ringfrag(): Can't combine the templates. Probably erroneous stereo descriptors. ERROR gen3d(): Unable to build a 3D structure. WARNING gen3d(): Re-ordering CT to build 3D structure (10). ERROR ringfrag(): Can't combine the templates. Probably erroneous stereo descriptors. ERROR gen3d(): Unable to build a 3D structure. Elapsed time: 30 ms 1 record(s) read, 0 converted 1 corina error(s) Totally elapsed time: 0 s INFORMATION corina: Statistics over multiple ring conformer generation