Wall clock time and date at job start Tue Mar 31 2020 20:39:47 AMSOL-version 7.1 by G. D. Hawkins, D. J. Giesen, G. C. Lynch, C. C. Chambers, I. Rossi, J. W. Storer, J. Li, J. D. Thompson, P. Winget, B. J. Lynch, D. Rinaldi, D. A. Liotard, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar Copyright 2004 by Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. Notice: recipients of this code are asked to comply with the user agreement in Section 1 of the documentation file. ******************************************************************************* * 1SCF - SCF CALCULATION WITHOUT GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION * - USE EF ROUTINE FOR MINIMUM SEARCH (DEFAULT) * GEO-OK - OVERRIDE INTERATOMIC DISTANCE CHECK * TLIMIT= - A TIME OF 15. SECONDS REQUESTED * CHARGE - CHARGE ON SYSTEM= -1 * AM1 - THE AM1 HAMILTONIAN TO BE USED * SM5.42R - SM5.42R CALCULATIONS WILL BE PERFORMED * - CHARGE MODEL 2 WILL BE USED (CM2A) * - THE SOLVENT IS WATER ******************************************************************************* Atom NO. Chemical Bond length Bond angle Dihedral angle number (k) symbol (angstroms) (degrees) (degrees) (I) NA:I NB:NA:I NC:NB:NA:I NA NB NC 1 1 C 2 2 C 1.50701 * 1 3 3 C 1.34485 * 126.83531 * 2 1 4 4 N 1.36449 * 108.85526 * 180.02562 * 3 2 1 5 5 H 0.97000 * 124.84812 * 179.97438 * 4 3 2 6 6 C 1.34655 * 110.30166 * 359.75328 * 4 3 2 7 7 C 1.50700 * 125.80757 * 180.29341 * 6 4 3 8 8 C 1.50693 * 109.46985 * 265.13481 * 7 6 4 9 9 N 1.34781 * 119.99959 * 179.97438 * 8 7 6 10 10 O 1.21282 * 120.00284 * 359.97438 * 8 7 6 11 11 C 1.36778 * 108.39247 * 0.40678 * 6 4 3 12 12 C 1.47265 * 126.93774 * 179.87189 * 11 6 4 13 13 O 1.21623 * 120.00120 * 269.70579 * 12 11 6 14 14 N 1.34784 * 119.99864 * 89.70942 * 12 11 6 15 15 C 1.46493 * 119.99864 * 359.72450 * 14 12 11 16 16 C 1.53000 * 109.47637 * 90.00039 * 15 14 12 17 17 O 1.42902 * 109.47155 * 64.99443 * 16 15 14 18 18 C 1.46494 * 119.99635 * 179.97438 * 14 12 11 19 19 C 1.53002 * 109.47325 * 90.00335 * 18 14 12 20 20 N 1.46499 * 109.46936 * 179.97438 * 19 18 14 21 21 C 1.36938 * 119.99478 * 179.97438 * 20 19 18 22 22 H 1.07997 * 120.00412 * 0.02562 * 21 20 19 23 23 C 1.38817 * 119.99950 * 179.97438 * 21 20 19 24 24 N 1.31620 * 119.99878 * 0.02562 * 23 21 20 25 25 Si 1.86797 * 120.00151 * 179.97438 * 23 21 20 26 26 H 1.48502 * 109.46810 * 90.00053 * 25 23 21 27 27 H 1.48495 * 109.47286 * 210.00318 * 25 23 21 28 28 H 1.48501 * 109.47405 * 330.00508 * 25 23 21 29 29 H 1.08995 * 109.47003 * 269.97292 * 1 2 3 30 30 H 1.09000 * 109.46921 * 29.97534 * 1 2 3 31 31 H 1.09003 * 109.47172 * 149.97266 * 1 2 3 32 32 H 1.07998 * 125.57396 * 0.02562 * 3 2 1 33 33 H 1.09001 * 109.46627 * 25.13383 * 7 6 4 34 34 H 1.09000 * 109.47251 * 145.13117 * 7 6 4 35 35 H 0.96998 * 119.99870 * 359.97438 * 9 8 7 36 36 H 0.97004 * 120.00291 * 179.97438 * 9 8 7 37 37 H 1.09002 * 109.47192 * 209.99937 * 15 14 12 38 38 H 1.08996 * 109.47342 * 329.99648 * 15 14 12 39 39 H 1.08993 * 109.47617 * 184.99838 * 16 15 14 40 40 H 1.09001 * 109.46636 * 304.99828 * 16 15 14 41 41 H 0.96697 * 114.00170 * 180.02562 * 17 16 15 42 42 H 1.09003 * 109.47006 * 210.00121 * 18 14 12 43 43 H 1.09004 * 109.47665 * 329.99813 * 18 14 12 44 44 H 1.08998 * 109.46465 * 299.99693 * 19 18 14 45 45 H 1.08993 * 109.47021 * 59.99589 * 19 18 14 46 46 H 0.96994 * 120.00305 * 0.02562 * 20 19 18 47 47 H 0.96996 * 119.99938 * 180.02562 * 24 23 21 Note: An asterisk (*) indicates this parameter was or will be optimized. Cartesian coordinates (angstroms) NO. Atom X Y Z 1 6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2 6 1.5070 0.0000 0.0000 3 6 2.3133 1.0764 0.0000 4 7 3.6111 0.6552 -0.0006 5 1 4.3841 1.2413 -0.0011 6 6 3.6657 -0.6903 0.0045 7 6 4.9225 -1.5217 0.0118 8 6 5.2798 -1.9044 -1.4012 9 7 6.3746 -2.6534 -1.6402 10 8 4.5823 -1.5385 -2.3235 11 6 2.3863 -1.1741 -0.0007 12 6 1.9749 -2.5881 -0.0006 13 8 1.8047 -3.1720 -1.0538 14 7 1.7869 -3.2351 1.1668 15 6 1.9978 -2.5334 2.4353 16 6 0.6879 -1.8804 2.8809 17 8 -0.2774 -2.8949 3.1658 18 6 1.3771 -4.6416 1.1669 19 6 2.6194 -5.5348 1.1663 20 7 2.2095 -6.9413 1.1670 21 6 3.1565 -7.9303 1.1662 22 1 4.2055 -7.6736 1.1654 23 6 2.7682 -9.2631 1.1674 24 7 1.4898 -9.5760 1.1688 25 14 4.0600 -10.6124 1.1655 26 1 4.4049 -10.9693 2.5651 27 1 3.5254 -11.8086 0.4669 28 1 5.2769 -10.1316 0.4632 29 1 -0.3633 -0.0005 1.0276 30 1 -0.3633 0.8902 -0.5135 31 1 -0.3634 -0.8898 -0.5143 32 1 1.9869 2.1059 0.0004 33 1 5.7373 -0.9446 0.4490 34 1 4.7584 -2.4233 0.6020 35 1 6.9327 -2.9457 -0.9027 36 1 6.6044 -2.9001 -2.5498 37 1 2.3256 -3.2444 3.1937 38 1 2.7601 -1.7656 2.3036 39 1 0.8648 -1.2853 3.7767 40 1 0.3139 -1.2364 2.0849 41 1 -1.1344 -2.5524 3.4545 42 1 0.7826 -4.8467 2.0571 43 1 0.7817 -4.8467 0.2772 44 1 3.2139 -5.3296 0.2761 45 1 3.2147 -5.3297 2.0560 46 1 1.2673 -7.1719 1.1673 47 1 1.2184 -10.5073 1.1701 RHF calculation, no. of doubly occupied orbitals= 64 REFERENCES FOR PARAMETERS IN GAS-PHASE HAMILTONIAN: H: (AM1): M.J.S. DEWAR ET AL, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 107 3902-3909 (1985) C: (AM1): M.J.S. DEWAR ET AL, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 107 3902-3909 (1985) N: (AM1): M.J.S. DEWAR ET AL, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 107 3902-3909 (1985) O: (AM1): M.J.S. DEWAR ET AL, J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 107 3902-3909 (1985) Si: (AM1): M.J.S.DEWAR, C. JIE, ORGANOMETALLICS, 6, 1486-1490 (1987). REFERENCE FOR CHARGE MODEL 2: J. Li, J. Xing, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, J. Chem. Phys. 111 (1999) 885. REFERENCE FOR THE PARAMETERIZATION OF THE SM5.42R SOLVATION MODEL: J. Li, T. Zhu, G. D. Hawkins, P. Winget, D. A. Liotard, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar, Theor. Chem. Acc. 103 (1999) 9-63 P. Winget, J. D. Thompson C. J. Cramer,and D. G. Truhlar, J. Phys. Chem. B. submitted. CHARGE=-1 AM1 1SCF TLIMIT=15 GEO-OK SM5.42R & SOLVNT=WATER ZINC001672681582.mol2 47 1SCF WAS SPECIFIED, SO GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION WAS NOT USED SCF FIELD WAS ACHIEVED Wall clock time and date at job start Tue Mar 31 2020 20:39:47 Heat of formation + Delta-G solvation = -100.183044 kcal Electronic energy + Delta-G solvation = -30743.383332 eV Core-core repulsion = 26539.847945 eV Total energy + Delta-G solvation = -4203.535386 eV No. of doubly occupied orbitals = 64 Molecular weight (most abundant/longest-lived isotopes) = 338.179 amu Computer time = 0.90 seconds Orbital eigenvalues (eV) -42.40947 -40.51747 -40.16826 -38.03460 -37.04385 -35.80932 -34.72585 -33.81804 -33.48566 -32.49003 -30.68001 -29.71810 -28.47689 -26.87282 -25.79743 -24.25709 -23.60992 -22.42749 -21.81487 -20.32357 -19.65017 -19.11732 -18.83502 -18.43875 -17.97078 -17.57681 -17.39260 -17.32054 -16.57612 -16.12387 -16.05864 -15.49357 -15.38035 -15.21984 -15.12156 -14.99949 -14.57570 -14.52715 -14.18406 -14.15977 -13.82179 -13.54040 -13.39683 -13.33857 -13.06855 -13.02806 -12.88889 -12.71366 -12.45748 -12.18606 -12.12402 -12.10899 -11.86664 -11.16129 -11.04083 -10.97019 -10.72053 -10.66806 -9.67372 -9.41948 -9.06342 -9.00973 -7.95868 -5.27504 1.08548 1.45759 1.49913 1.57949 1.61128 1.62698 1.66484 2.03143 2.43197 2.57763 2.74921 3.36916 3.48738 3.55404 3.74999 4.03487 4.08911 4.15797 4.17386 4.24384 4.26901 4.32421 4.37972 4.41164 4.54535 4.56443 4.58976 4.69969 4.71222 4.84923 4.96231 5.04114 5.06971 5.10565 5.20886 5.31659 5.43672 5.60799 5.85686 5.86032 6.05693 6.24391 6.42808 6.48560 6.76478 7.01321 7.26073 7.30053 7.33335 8.01635 8.27937 9.27988 Molecular weight = 338.18amu Principal moments of inertia in cm(-1) A = 0.011123 B = 0.003652 C = 0.002967 Principal moments of inertia in units of 10**(-40)*gram-cm**2 A = 2516.646443 B = 7664.420102 C = 9433.899486 Net atomic charges, atomic populations, and dipole contributions calculated with CM2 Atom NO. Type Charge No. of electrons 1 C -0.078 4.078 2 C -0.165 4.165 3 C 0.018 3.982 4 N -0.527 5.527 5 H 0.433 0.567 6 C 0.079 3.921 7 C -0.080 4.080 8 C 0.506 3.494 9 N -0.841 5.841 10 O -0.582 6.582 11 C -0.222 4.222 12 C 0.585 3.415 13 O -0.591 6.591 14 N -0.587 5.587 15 C 0.107 3.893 16 C 0.055 3.945 17 O -0.592 6.592 18 C 0.130 3.870 19 C 0.155 3.845 20 N -0.743 5.743 21 C -0.250 4.250 22 H 0.077 0.923 23 C -0.076 4.076 24 N -0.970 5.970 25 Si 0.981 3.019 26 H -0.280 1.280 27 H -0.295 1.295 28 H -0.269 1.269 29 H 0.081 0.919 30 H 0.085 0.915 31 H 0.025 0.975 32 H 0.210 0.790 33 H 0.158 0.842 34 H 0.114 0.886 35 H 0.419 0.581 36 H 0.405 0.595 37 H 0.085 0.915 38 H 0.114 0.886 39 H 0.084 0.916 40 H 0.057 0.943 41 H 0.392 0.608 42 H 0.091 0.909 43 H 0.045 0.955 44 H -0.003 1.003 45 H 0.034 0.966 46 H 0.373 0.627 47 H 0.253 0.747 For the charges calculated by CM2: Dipole moment (debyes) X Y Z Total from point charges 7.565 30.280 6.393 31.858 Note: The Mulliken population analysis charges presented below were not used in the solvation calculation but are provided for completeness. The chosen solvation model uses CM2 partial charges for calculating solvation energies. Net atomic charges, atomic populations, and dipole contributions using Mulliken population analysis Atom NO. Type Charge No. of electrons 1 C -0.136 4.136 2 C -0.171 4.171 3 C -0.112 4.112 4 N -0.123 5.123 5 H 0.273 0.727 6 C -0.038 4.038 7 C -0.120 4.120 8 C 0.291 3.709 9 N -0.405 5.405 10 O -0.461 6.461 11 C -0.232 4.232 12 C 0.374 3.626 13 O -0.471 6.471 14 N -0.318 5.318 15 C -0.015 4.015 16 C -0.023 4.023 17 O -0.400 6.400 18 C 0.006 3.994 19 C 0.027 3.973 20 N -0.386 5.386 21 C -0.382 4.382 22 H 0.095 0.905 23 C -0.268 4.268 24 N -0.620 5.620 25 Si 0.809 3.191 26 H -0.206 1.206 27 H -0.222 1.222 28 H -0.194 1.194 29 H 0.099 0.901 30 H 0.103 0.897 31 H 0.044 0.956 32 H 0.227 0.773 33 H 0.176 0.824 34 H 0.132 0.868 35 H 0.250 0.750 36 H 0.235 0.765 37 H 0.104 0.896 38 H 0.132 0.868 39 H 0.102 0.898 40 H 0.075 0.925 41 H 0.242 0.758 42 H 0.109 0.891 43 H 0.063 0.937 44 H 0.015 0.985 45 H 0.052 0.948 46 H 0.205 0.795 47 H 0.062 0.938 Dipole moment (debyes) X Y Z Total from point charges 7.717 29.966 5.241 31.385 hybrid contribution 0.086 -1.223 -0.407 1.292 sum 7.803 28.743 4.834 30.174 Atomic orbital electron populations 1.20184 0.89570 1.01619 1.02181 1.20583 0.95646 0.90398 1.10462 1.21963 0.81550 0.99817 1.07855 1.41214 1.09069 1.04747 1.57256 0.72662 1.19219 0.93458 0.84540 1.06593 1.20357 0.96038 1.01590 0.94064 1.20969 0.80262 0.77843 0.91842 1.43727 1.28006 1.54900 1.13851 1.90801 1.51480 1.56080 1.47703 1.19876 0.94459 0.91000 1.17889 1.18233 0.75440 0.86392 0.82542 1.90799 1.53021 1.69765 1.33527 1.47812 1.66997 1.10436 1.06566 1.21915 0.97735 0.97779 0.84051 1.22863 0.89073 0.90071 1.00339 1.86534 1.26735 1.36406 1.90333 1.21232 0.95953 0.80138 1.02067 1.20907 0.95542 0.83850 0.97013 1.42420 1.06003 1.00685 1.89516 1.19625 0.89518 0.87039 1.41981 0.90514 1.25686 0.98313 0.99583 1.03198 1.69846 1.15734 1.17385 1.59074 0.85036 0.78103 0.78220 0.77740 1.20625 1.22155 1.19375 0.90104 0.89669 0.95589 0.77296 0.82406 0.86786 0.74987 0.76466 0.89624 0.86774 0.89841 0.92494 0.75831 0.89066 0.93683 0.98463 0.94797 0.79518 0.93840 Number of geometries 1 Number of calculations of the screened coulomb radii 1 The total number of SCF iterations 16. Note: The number of geometries may not correspond to the number of cycles due to rejected geometry changes. In the following table subtotal= G_P + SS G_CDS. Atom Chem. CM2 G_P Area Sigma k SS G_CDS Subtotal M number symbol chg. (kcal) (Ang**2) cal/(Ang**2) (kcal) (kcal) value 1 C -0.08 -1.56 9.64 71.24 0.69 -0.87 16 2 C -0.16 -3.60 5.91 -18.52 -0.11 -3.71 16 3 C 0.02 0.24 11.82 83.12 0.98 1.23 16 4 N -0.53 -6.89 5.90 -182.72 -1.08 -7.97 16 5 H 0.43 2.25 8.96 -92.71 -0.83 1.42 16 6 C 0.08 1.66 5.31 41.78 0.22 1.88 16 7 C -0.08 -1.36 6.01 29.10 0.17 -1.19 16 8 C 0.51 12.59 8.09 87.65 0.71 13.30 16 9 N -0.84 -14.41 8.87 -173.53 -1.54 -15.95 16 10 O -0.58 -21.43 16.87 -3.04 -0.05 -21.48 16 11 C -0.22 -6.23 4.31 -19.04 -0.08 -6.31 16 12 C 0.58 21.89 7.16 86.62 0.62 22.51 16 13 O -0.59 -29.70 16.69 -4.11 -0.07 -29.77 16 14 N -0.59 -19.43 2.44 -825.88 -2.01 -21.44 16 15 C 0.11 2.43 5.63 86.38 0.49 2.92 16 16 C 0.05 1.01 7.39 71.98 0.53 1.55 16 17 O -0.59 -13.57 12.50 -148.98 -1.86 -15.44 16 18 C 0.13 5.36 5.34 86.38 0.46 5.82 16 19 C 0.15 7.18 6.58 86.38 0.57 7.75 16 20 N -0.74 -42.00 5.60 -343.46 -1.92 -43.92 16 21 C -0.25 -14.91 9.99 84.03 0.84 -14.07 16 22 H 0.08 4.34 7.83 -2.91 -0.02 4.32 16 23 C -0.08 -4.56 5.50 84.86 0.47 -4.09 16 24 N -0.97 -62.33 13.06 21.65 0.28 -62.05 16 25 Si 0.98 47.62 29.55 68.60 2.03 49.64 16 26 H -0.28 -13.03 7.11 99.48 0.71 -12.32 16 27 H -0.29 -14.40 7.11 99.48 0.71 -13.69 16 28 H -0.27 -12.31 7.11 99.48 0.71 -11.60 16 29 H 0.08 1.25 6.28 -2.39 -0.02 1.23 16 30 H 0.08 1.27 8.14 -2.39 -0.02 1.25 16 31 H 0.02 0.70 8.14 -2.39 -0.02 0.68 16 32 H 0.21 1.06 8.06 -2.91 -0.02 1.04 16 33 H 0.16 0.87 8.14 -2.39 -0.02 0.85 16 34 H 0.11 2.06 8.05 -2.39 -0.02 2.04 16 35 H 0.42 4.01 8.83 -92.71 -0.82 3.19 16 36 H 0.40 6.94 8.93 -92.71 -0.83 6.12 16 37 H 0.09 1.96 8.07 -2.39 -0.02 1.94 16 38 H 0.11 1.99 6.61 -2.39 -0.02 1.97 16 39 H 0.08 0.99 8.14 -2.39 -0.02 0.97 16 40 H 0.06 1.07 4.75 -2.39 -0.01 1.06 16 41 H 0.39 5.35 9.12 -74.06 -0.68 4.67 16 42 H 0.09 3.66 7.13 -2.39 -0.02 3.64 16 43 H 0.04 2.16 7.42 -2.38 -0.02 2.14 16 44 H 0.00 -0.13 8.14 -2.39 -0.02 -0.15 16 45 H 0.03 1.46 8.14 -2.39 -0.02 1.44 16 46 H 0.37 22.41 7.67 -92.71 -0.71 21.70 16 47 H 0.25 15.59 8.31 -92.71 -0.77 14.82 16 Total: -1.00 -100.47 396.36 -2.46 -102.93 By element: Atomic # 1 Polarization: 41.52 SS G_CDS: -2.79 Total: 38.73 kcal Atomic # 6 Polarization: 20.15 SS G_CDS: 6.56 Total: 26.71 kcal Atomic # 7 Polarization: -145.06 SS G_CDS: -6.27 Total: -151.33 kcal Atomic # 8 Polarization: -64.70 SS G_CDS: -1.98 Total: -66.69 kcal Atomic # 14 Polarization: 47.62 SS G_CDS: 2.03 Total: 49.64 kcal Total: -100.47 -2.46 -102.93 kcal The number of atoms in the molecule is 47 The average number of expansion shells was 16.00 The maximum number of expansion shells was 16 The minimum number of expansion shells was 16 **** NOTA BENE **** This is the net solvation energy for this exact molecular structure (nuclear and electronic)! The standard-state solvation energy should be obtained as the difference between the heat of formation plus delta-G solvation for the relaxed solvated system and that for the relaxed gas-phase system. ZINC001672681582.mol2 47 1SCF run This is a breakdown of the solvation energy calculated without geometric relaxation in solution: (1) E-EN(sol) electronic-nuclear energy of solute 2.747 kcal (2) G-P(sol) polarization free energy of solvation -100.470 kcal (3) G-ENP(sol) elect.-nuc.-pol. free energy of system -97.724 kcal (4) G-CDS(sol) cavity-dispersion-solvent structure free energy -2.460 kcal (5) G-P-CDS(sol) = G-P(sol) + G-CDS(sol) = (2) + (4) -102.930 kcal (6) G-S(sol) free energy of system = (1) + (5) -100.183 kcal 1SCF WAS SPECIFIED, SO GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION WAS NOT USED Total computer time = 0.90 seconds