Wall clock time and date at job start Tue Mar 31 2020 22:38:03 CHARGE=-1 AM1 1SCF TLIMIT=15 GEO-OK SM5.42R & SOLVNT=GENORG IOFR=1.4345 ALPHA=0.00 BETA=0.00 GAMMA=38.93 & DIELEC=2.06 FACARB=0.00 FEHALO=0.00 DEV ZINC000497162815.mol2 46 AMSOL-version 7.1 by G. D. Hawkins, D. J. Giesen, G. C. Lynch, C. C. Chambers, I. Rossi, J. W. Storer, J. Li, J. D. Thompson, P. Winget, B. J. Lynch, D. Rinaldi, D. A. Liotard, C. J. Cramer, and D. G. Truhlar Copyright 2004 by Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. Notice: recipients of this code are asked to comply with the user agreement in Section 1 of the documentation file. C 13 H 23 N 6 O 3 Si 1SCF WAS SPECIFIED, SO GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION WAS NOT USED SCF FIELD WAS ACHIEVED Heat of formation + Delta-G solvation = -25.628304 kcal Electronic energy + Delta-G solvation = -30180.171281 eV Core-core repulsion = 25914.442920 eV Total energy + Delta-G solvation = -4265.728361 eV Dipole moment from CM2 point charges = 18.62627 debye Charge on system = -1 No. of doubly occupied orbitals = 64 Molecular weight (most abundant/longest-lived isotopes) = 339.174 amu Computer time = 0.72 seconds In the following table subtotal= G_P + SS G_CDS. Atom Chem. CM2 G_P Area Sigma k SS G_CDS Subtotal M number symbol chg. (kcal) (Ang**2) cal/(Ang**2) (kcal) (kcal) value 1 C -0.18 -2.52 8.37 37.16 0.31 -2.21 16 2 C 0.14 1.90 1.13 -90.62 -0.10 1.80 16 3 C -0.14 -1.50 8.85 37.15 0.33 -1.17 16 4 C -0.18 -2.46 8.37 37.16 0.31 -2.15 16 5 O -0.36 -6.10 9.94 -40.31 -0.40 -6.50 16 6 C 0.66 12.22 7.89 54.06 0.43 12.64 16 7 O -0.57 -11.30 11.54 -19.28 -0.22 -11.52 16 8 N -0.68 -11.89 4.06 -59.86 -0.24 -12.14 16 9 C 0.16 2.66 2.38 -69.08 -0.16 2.50 16 10 H 0.12 2.08 7.58 -51.93 -0.39 1.68 16 11 C -0.12 -2.08 4.64 -26.73 -0.12 -2.21 16 12 C 0.02 0.57 4.86 -27.88 -0.14 0.44 16 13 C -0.53 -13.80 9.11 -34.44 -0.31 -14.11 16 14 H 0.06 1.42 7.74 -52.49 -0.41 1.02 16 15 C 0.06 1.65 5.46 -17.82 -0.10 1.56 16 16 N -0.89 -25.67 13.29 55.43 0.74 -24.93 16 17 Si 0.89 20.83 29.54 -169.99 -5.02 15.81 16 18 H -0.28 -6.38 7.11 56.52 0.40 -5.98 16 19 H -0.29 -6.71 7.11 56.52 0.40 -6.31 16 20 H -0.28 -6.33 7.11 56.52 0.40 -5.93 16 21 C 0.50 8.68 7.16 -10.99 -0.08 8.60 16 22 O -0.48 -9.77 15.01 5.55 0.08 -9.69 16 23 N -0.62 -9.39 5.30 -12.82 -0.07 -9.45 16 24 C 0.45 6.93 8.83 -320.84 -2.83 4.10 16 25 N -0.56 -7.20 11.21 -14.92 -0.17 -7.37 16 26 C 0.28 2.32 13.12 -90.68 -1.19 1.13 16 27 N -0.49 -4.68 7.44 29.52 0.22 -4.46 16 28 H 0.44 2.43 8.96 -182.34 -1.63 0.79 16 29 N -0.29 -4.59 10.98 30.04 0.33 -4.26 16 30 H 0.06 0.86 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.44 16 31 H 0.07 0.74 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.31 16 32 H 0.09 1.45 5.88 -51.93 -0.31 1.14 16 33 H 0.06 0.68 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.26 16 34 H 0.08 0.65 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.23 16 35 H 0.07 0.73 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.30 16 36 H 0.09 1.45 5.88 -51.93 -0.31 1.14 16 37 H 0.07 0.72 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.30 16 38 H 0.06 0.79 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.36 16 39 H 0.41 6.83 8.71 -40.82 -0.36 6.48 16 40 H 0.08 1.23 7.43 -51.93 -0.39 0.85 16 41 H 0.07 1.18 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.76 16 42 H 0.02 0.60 7.75 -51.94 -0.40 0.19 16 43 H 0.02 0.54 8.14 -51.93 -0.42 0.11 16 44 H 0.26 7.20 8.31 -40.82 -0.34 6.87 16 45 H 0.43 5.35 8.18 -40.82 -0.33 5.02 16 46 H 0.23 0.53 8.06 -52.48 -0.42 0.11 16 LS Contribution 387.54 15.07 5.84 5.84 Total: -1.00 -37.15 387.54 -10.46 -47.61 The number of atoms in the molecule is 46 The average number of expansion shells was 16.00 The maximum number of expansion shells was 16 The minimum number of expansion shells was 16 1SCF run This is a breakdown of the solvation energy calculated without geometric relaxation in solution: (1) E-EN(sol) electronic-nuclear energy of solute 21.982 kcal (2) G-P(sol) polarization free energy of solvation -37.152 kcal (3) G-ENP(sol) elect.-nuc.-pol. free energy of system -15.170 kcal (4) G-CDS(sol) cavity-dispersion-solvent structure free energy -10.458 kcal (5) G-P-CDS(sol) = G-P(sol) + G-CDS(sol) = (2) + (4) -47.610 kcal (6) G-S(sol) free energy of system = (1) + (5) -25.628 kcal FINAL GEOMETRY OBTAINED CHARGE CHARGE=-1 AM1 1SCF TLIMIT=15 GEO-OK SM5.42R & SOLVNT=GENORG IOFR=1.4345 ALPHA=0.00 BETA=0.00 GAMMA=38.93 & DIELEC=2.06 FACARB=0.00 FEHALO=0.00 DEV ZINC000497162815.mol2 46 C 0.000000 0 0.000000 0 0.000000 0 0 0 0 -0.1840 C 1.529999 1 0.000000 0 0.000000 0 1 0 0 0.1367 C 1.529915 1 109.476776 1 0.000000 0 2 1 0 -0.1401 C 1.530045 1 109.471554 1 -120.004741 1 2 1 3 -0.1816 O 1.452040 1 109.469501 1 119.999826 1 2 1 3 -0.3616 C 1.346345 1 117.000288 1 59.999246 1 5 2 1 0.6621 O 1.215076 1 120.003748 1 -0.025623 1 6 5 2 -0.5732 N 1.347813 1 119.996696 1 180.025623 1 6 5 2 -0.6780 C 1.465089 1 119.998291 1 180.025623 1 8 6 5 0.1579 H 1.090038 1 109.467442 1 -35.003582 1 9 8 6 0.1225 C 1.529936 1 109.468305 1 -155.001441 1 9 8 6 -0.1174 C 1.530054 1 109.471223 1 64.999253 1 11 9 8 0.0248 C 1.507091 1 109.469400 1 179.974377 1 12 11 9 -0.5268 H 1.079990 1 119.995353 1 0.025623 1 13 12 11 0.0563 C 1.378712 1 119.995339 1 179.974377 1 13 12 11 0.0606 N 1.315123 1 120.007086 1 0.025623 1 15 13 12 -0.8911 Si 1.868064 1 119.995772 1 180.025623 1 15 13 12 0.8920 H 1.484952 1 109.470325 1 60.002038 1 17 15 13 -0.2769 H 1.485007 1 109.470254 1 180.025623 1 17 15 13 -0.2875 H 1.484995 1 109.470733 1 -59.997149 1 17 15 13 -0.2763 C 1.506950 1 109.471162 1 84.995047 1 9 8 6 0.5042 O 1.212881 1 120.000570 1 0.025623 1 21 9 8 -0.4842 N 1.347736 1 119.998200 1 179.974377 1 21 9 8 -0.6242 C 1.398702 1 120.001310 1 180.025623 1 23 21 9 0.4474 N 1.336344 1 125.603979 1 180.025623 1 24 23 21 -0.5570 C 1.308513 1 109.778349 1 179.974377 1 25 24 23 0.2758 N 1.343844 1 108.202229 1 -0.025623 1 26 25 24 -0.4871 H 0.970060 1 126.764506 1 179.738804 1 27 26 25 0.4423 N 1.311726 1 125.601879 1 -0.044233 1 24 23 21 -0.2916 H 1.090025 1 109.467535 1 -60.000999 1 1 2 3 0.0620 H 1.089945 1 109.465591 1 60.001512 1 1 2 3 0.0661 H 1.090044 1 109.471633 1 180.025623 1 1 2 3 0.0889 H 1.089965 1 109.476504 1 180.025623 1 3 2 1 0.0649 H 1.090044 1 109.469507 1 -59.998609 1 3 2 1 0.0772 H 1.090064 1 109.475199 1 59.995004 1 3 2 1 0.0675 H 1.090007 1 109.467849 1 -59.996248 1 4 2 1 0.0878 H 1.089999 1 109.467425 1 59.998445 1 4 2 1 0.0658 H 1.090022 1 109.471483 1 180.025623 1 4 2 1 0.0579 H 0.969989 1 120.004840 1 -0.025623 1 8 6 5 0.4135 H 1.089984 1 109.469717 1 -175.004512 1 11 9 8 0.0767 H 1.090032 1 109.474074 1 -55.001879 1 11 9 8 0.0665 H 1.089893 1 109.471134 1 -60.003089 1 12 11 9 0.0240 H 1.089951 1 109.472050 1 59.999764 1 12 11 9 0.0215 H 0.969957 1 120.005161 1 180.025623 1 16 15 13 0.2621 H 0.970044 1 120.002336 1 0.025623 1 23 21 9 0.4277 H 1.080036 1 125.899592 1 179.974377 1 26 25 24 0.2256 0 0.000000 0 0.000000 0 0.000000 0 0 0 0